Friday, July 21, 2006

Check out This is such a cool EV car! 0 to 60 in 4 seconds, 250 miles between charges, and second gear isn't needed except when speeds EXCEED 130 mph! Wow!

Of course, this doesn't come without a price. The (owner/dealer?) was interviewed on WJR Detroit this morning and he admitted the price is a bit steep for most buyers - $80,000. Another Wow! But he did admit that the costs will come down as the car sells. I guess new technology isn't cheap.

But don't fret about the high price. They will likely come out with a four seater sedan within a couple of years for only....$50,000. Or so he said.

Still, cool looking car.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Palestinian vs Israeli Intentions - Part II

Katyusha rockets are not smart weapons. Not even close. When Hisballah 'aims' them, they are pointed at an entire city, not a particular building or even a particular block.

They may hit anything within that city - hospitals, synagogs, schools, even mosques. Do the terrorists care? Of course not! The rockets are serving their intended purpose. Scaring the population.

Yet, when Israel kills 'innocent' residents of a terrorist's safehouse, they are villified for "not showing restraint".

People just get stupider and stupider....


Palestinian vs Israeli Intentions

Seems to me if Israel wanted to kill civilians, why don't they cremate all those 'civil' folks congregating in Gaza and elsewhere to protest the Israeli military action?I don't know why Israel doesn't just plant a 2000 lb bomb right in the middle of the protest. It would get rid of a BUNCH of troublemakers in a hurry!I am not proposing Israel take such action, just that IF Israel really wanted to kill civilians, they could do more with less work.

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